My friend and I volunteered to be in charge of crafts at Vacation Bible School at our little Church. The theme this year is under the sea so we racked our brains to come up with children fish craft. We did find this one little craft on Pinterest and we loved the idea except most of the little toy aquariums were in mason jars. I was concerned about handing children a glass jar so we continued to look for a safer alternative.

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So we combed our little craft store and found a perfect little plastic bottle that little hands could hold and was unbreakable. This DIY Mini Fish Aquarium is an easy little craft that children can make. You could also go ahead and put it in a mason jar because I have now found plastic Mason Jars on Amazon that would also be perfect.
Aren’t these sweet little fishes? Except for the shark, not sure about the shark. But I bet he will be adopted and loved in any toy aquarium. We found several fishes at Hobby Lobby and a few on Amazon. Just make sure if you buy any, they will fit into the jars you choose.

There are so so many ways to make this fish aquarium for kids, so use your own creativity with your fishes, plants and gravel. And one of the most awesome things is that fish in this little aquarium never need to be feed.
How to make a mini fish aquarium for kids:
Supplies needed:
- 2 lb Fishing Line
- Plastic bottles with screw-on lids
- Or Plastic Mason Jars
- Colored gravel
- Blue Food Coloring
- Plastic plants
- Plastic fishes
- Use a funnel and pour gravel into the jar
- Add some plastic plants
- Tie the fish of your choice with enough of the fishing line to hold the fish at a desirable level. (By using the 2 lb line, the line will almost completely disappear in the bowl)
- Add one drop of blue food coloring in 2 cups of water, fill jar with the blued water
- Place fish in bowl using the fishing line, screw on lid
- Tie remaining fishing line to the top of jar, hiding under the lid, cut off extra line.
If you enjoyed making this fun Toy Aquarium then see these other crafts:
Click HERE to save this Mini fish aquarium for kids to Pinterest
Mini Faux Fish Aquarium
- Small Funnel
- Use a funnel and pour gravel into the jar
- Add some plastic plants
- Tie the fish of your choice with enough of the fishing line to hold the fish at a desirable level. (By using the 2 lb line, the line will almost completely disappear in the bowl)
- Add one drop of blue food coloring in 2 cups of water, fill jar with the blued water
- Place fish in bowl using the fishing line, screw on lid
- Tie remaining fishing line to the top of jar, hiding under the lid, cut off extra line.

Sunday 13th of August 2023
Hello! My name is Ava, and I’m 13. My sister emma and I made these! We have a VBS at our small church, too. ♥️ ⛪️ I got to help out this year with crafts. I know you made this page a long long time ago, but I hope you see this. I hope to see more pages by you! You’re so nice. Have a great day! God bless! 😊
Monday 14th of August 2023
Oh sweetie, it's so nice to hear from you. I'm very happy and honored that you left me such a sweet comment. I'm so glad you made our little mini fish aquariums and helped out at your VBS in your church. It's people like you that really makes my heart happy and continue to enjoy sharing what we do here on the Ranch. I'm mainly a recipe blogger but I do love crafts so we have made a few other fun crafts you might enjoy. Here is the link to others if you would like to see them. https://www.myturnforus.com/category/crafts/ God Bless.
Tuesday 26th of July 2016
Oh my!! This is so adorable. Every little kid would sure love this. Thank you for sharing.