Why do I Blog?
Why did I start blogging?
Why do I continue to Blog?

I believe when I started blogging I thought this would just be a great forum for my family and friends to keep up with us as we travel and explored the Great United States.
Then my little blog just took a life of its own. It led me down a new road of adventure making new friends and learning so much about just everything along the way.
During this time I have greatly improved my computer skills and I know I can find a tutorial to make or bake or build
just about anything.
Forget Wikipedia if you really wish to know about
anything ask a blogger.
I will continue to attempt to answer these questions
because it changes daily.
I was at a point one time where acquiring followers was the ultimate goal and then I grew and now I know to acquire friends and readers is the real blessing.
I am also learning how to be me and not to write what
my readers which to hear but to have readers that wish
to read what I write.
This page is a great representation of my blog, a work in progress and it will continue to grow.
Please check back as I will add to it as it as needed.
Our Ranch Gates

How do you start to explain exactly what something means to you? I’m not sure but I’ll try.
These Gates represent such an achievement for my sweet hubby and I. Behind these Gates lay so many of our dreams and hopes and yes our accomplishments. We have arrived at the destination where we can fulfill our dreams and obtain that one spot in this world that is safe and we can be free. It’s not a huge spot, only about 160 acres but it’s ours! Its the playground for our children and grandchildren where they can hunt and fish, go on adventures and ride 4 wheelers without any intervention from the outside world. Where they can take a break from this crazy world, where there is no time clock nor schedules and if you ask our grandchildren, no rules!! Oh yes cake for breakfast, absolutely!! Where there is always cookies in the biscotti jar, where there is always bait in the freezer and plenty of stones to skip across the dirt tanks (ponds).
And where the hubby and I can do exactly what we wish each and every day.
This is the location we will return to after our travels. No we are not planning to be hermits, we still wish to travel this gorgeous country but always knowing we see these gates upon our return.
It’s our peaceful place!
I am 60 plus years old and married to my very best friend in the whole world who is also 60 plus years old. Actually we are very proud of our ages and we walk around and brag about them, that and the fact that we are “Done” raising kids.
We have three wonderful children and so very proud of each and every one of them, two daughters and a late addition son. (His sisters were 11 and 13 when he was born:)
Our eldest daughter is married to a wonderful man and they live in Southern California with their two daughters. Our younger daughter is raising three awesome and fun boys by herself in Southern Texas.
Our son is married to a beautiful young lady and they live in Texas with their amazing children.
I am retired from Law Enforcement (I was a Deputy Sheriff in Southern California) and my hubby just retired from USBP after 26 years of service. We are currently building our retirement home on our ranch in the great state of Texas;))
Then it’s off for some traveling!!
Then it’s off for some traveling!!

Lincuden Cottage Life
Friday 20th of May 2016
Hi Evelyn! Great advice for a newbie blogger! Thank you for sharing! ;)
Sisters Carol-Teresa-Kathy
Tuesday 13th of October 2015
Hi Evelyn...I just found your blog and I'm so glad I did. I read your about me and we have so many things in common. I'm also married to my very best friend, we have 2 wonderful daughters that were 8 and 11 when our son came along. We have 3 wonderful children and 6 incredible grandchildren. One daughter is raising her 4 children along with her husband, our second daughter is single mom and our son is married and both he and his wife are in college! My husband and I both work part time, haven't gotten to travel much yet...but that's the plan! But, we are older...early 60's! Look forward to following your blog....Carol from aginglikeafinewine.com
Bea Long
Monday 2nd of June 2014
Hi Evelyn, I found you just out of the blue but I like your style. You like me have family scattered all over the USA. I just barely have started blogging or maybe journaling...can't decide but I am a single Mother that just lives alone. I love to bake and really cook anything but BAKING is my passion to say the least. I have so enjoyed your blog. I am taking pictures with my camera for right now and meeting lots of new friends. I am not blogging for money or advertisers so I don't have to worry about competition. As a newbie some bloggers can be a little crask about a question. I am totally computer illiterate but have a little website that I changed the theme to and then it erased all my hard work and friends. I was just devastated now I try not to do much that says it will change anything. You are probably laughing at this but I found out the hard way what formatting my pictures were when I deleted my son's wedding rehearsal and dinner party. So I am trying to learn everything, including how to type. So I can appreciate your story. While I am sure you might have known a lot more than I did I hope we can become friends and maybe even answer a question or two for me a long the way. Thank you so much, I have enjoyed your sites!! You can find me at http://www.secretsfrommyapron.com. So stop by and enjoy a pastry or something sweet mainly. You are most welcome to come on in.
Danielle Wagasky
Friday 16th of May 2014
I have loved seeing your blog grow. You're amazing!
Savvy WorkingGal
Monday 17th of February 2014
It is nice to meet you Evelyn. I am 50+ too. Also agree who needs Wikipedia when we have bloggers.